
My research explores the way victims of gender-based violence interact with larger systems and institutions on a day-to-day basis, including survivor perceptions of procedural justice and institutional betrayal. I am interested in the complex ways in which policies, processes, and protocols can impact recovery after victimization. I am interested in institutional responses to gender-based violence, including in legal and educational contexts. Currently, my dissertation research is focused on university responses to campus sexual assault.

Please feel welcome to email me at for copies of any of my published work.


Informed by the results of my systematic review of Institutional Betrayal literature, I have developed a dissertation proposal exploring student experiences of institutional betrayal in a campus context. This 3-study dissertation is titled Toward a Comprehensive Understanding of Fear of Institutional Betrayal in a Campus Sexual Violence Context. The goal of this dissertation is to explore a concept I have coined called Fear of Institutional Betrayal, which refers to the belief held by an individual that the actions of an institution will not adequately meet the needs of a survivor of gender-based violence, and that engagement with the institution (following victimization) will inevitably lead to additional harm for survivors. The studies in this dissertation collectively work to establish an understanding of the prevalence of fear of institutional betrayal on university campuses, the extent to which it is associated with campus-resource use, and to capture intersectional perspectives on how this phenomenon shapes experiences for survivors of violence. Studies 1 and 2 are quantitative survey studies which provide initial evidence for the construct and how common it is on university campuses. Study 3 is a brief qualitative interview study designed to explore personal experiences related to fear of institutional betrayal of students at post-secondary institutions in Canada. Understanding these relationships may potentially add to our understanding of changes needed on university campuses in Canada. The dissertation will be complete sometime in mid to late 2026.

Manuscripts in Progress.

Under Review

Balint, S., Dufour, G. K., Adair, J., & Mou, N. M. (Revision submitted December 11, 2024). Nurturing empowered scholars: A student perspective on contemporary feminist mentorship. Submitted to Feminism & Psychology.

Dufour, G. K, Ternes, M., & Stinson, V. (Submitted September 3, 2024). Who is accessing the justice process? A cluster analysis of factors related to victim impact statement delivery in sexual assault cases. Submitted to Psychology, Crime, and Law.

In Preparation

Dufour, G. K., Lowe, K., Monaghan, J., Ternes, M., & Stinson, V. (Manuscript in Preparation). Clare’s Law as a tool to reduce domestic violence: Public opinions on its usability.

Dufour, G. K., Lowe, K., Monaghan, J., Ternes, M., & Stinson, V. (Manuscript in Preparation). A qualitative content analysis of barriers to using Clare’s Law.

Dufour, G. K. (Manuscript in Preparation). Development, reliability, and initial validation of the Fear of Institutional Betrayal Questionnaire.

Dufour, G. K. (Manuscript in Preparation). Fear of institutional betrayal as a predictor of campus service use intentions in a sexual violence context.

Dufour, G. K. (Manuscript in Preparation). Identity and fear of institutional betrayal: An intersectional qualitative study.


Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Mou, N. M., Dufour, G. K., & Jackson, D. (Accepted with Minor Revisions on November 11, 2024; Revision submitted December 16, 2024). Structural equation modeling in male sexual violence against women research: Best practices in statistical reporting and interpretation. The Journal of Sexual Aggression.

Balint, S., & Dufour, G. K. (2024). Student perceptions of the names of women’s and gender studies programs: Considerations for administrators and decision-makers. The Journal of Women and Gender in Higher Education (Online first). 1-19.

Dufour, G. K. (2024). The insidiousness of institutional betrayal: An ecological systematic review of campus sexual violence response literature. (Online First), Trauma, Violence, & Abuse.

Dufour, G. K., Senn, C. Y., & Jeffrey, N. K. (2023). Self-reports of sexual violence outside of survey reference periods: Implications for measurement. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 38(21-22).

Balint, S., & Dufour, G. K. (2023). Can you get a job with that? Student endorsement of misconceptions and stereotypes about Women’s and Gender Studies. Women’s Studies International Forum, 99(July).

Dufour, G. K, Ternes, M., & Stinson, V. (2023). The relationship between victim impact statements and judicial decision-making: An archival analysis of sentencing outcomes. Law and Human Behavior, 47(4).

Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters

Lowe, K., Dufour, G. K, Ternes, M., Stinson, V., & Giesbrecht, C. (2023). Clare’s Law. In: Shackelford, T.K., (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Domestic Violence. Springer Nature, Cham.

 Dufour, G.K., Gerhardt, E., McArthur, J., Ternes, M. (2023). Help-Seeking Behavior and Domestic Violence. In: Shackelford, T.K. (Eds) Encyclopedia of Domestic Violence. Springer Nature, Cham.

 Crocker, D. & Dufour, G. K. (2023). Developing campus anti-violence policies: Lessons learned from the criminalization of gender-based violence. In Dietzel, C. & Shariff, S. (Eds.), Interrupting Sexual Violence: The Power of Law, Education, and Media. Peter Lang International Academic Publishers, Bem, Switzerland.


Dufour, G. K. (2021). The Impact of Victim Impact Statements. Master’s thesis. Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Dufour, G. K. (2019). Antisocial Cognitions: Using Sensitivity to the Impact of Crime and Psychological Entitlement to Influence Dishonesty. Undergraduate Honours Thesis. University of Winnipeg, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Non-Refereed Contributions and Reports.

Dufour, G. K. (2023, June). Traumatic Incident Reduction Therapy at SACC: Brief Statistical Report. The Sexual Assault Crisis Centre of Essex County and The University of Windsor. Unpublished Program Evaluation Technical Report. 1-12.

Dufour, G. K. (2023, March). Neurofeedback at SACC: Brief Report. The Sexual Assault Crisis Centre of Essex County and The University of Windsor. Unpublished Program Evaluation Technical Report. 1-29.

Dufour, G. K. (2022, December). Child Survivors of Sexual Violence: Therapeutic Outcomes. Windsor, ON: University of Windsor. Unpublished Program Evaluation Technical Report. 1-41.

Dufour, G. K. (2022, November). Connecting With Our Clients: SACC Therapeutic Alliance Report. Windsor, ON: University of Windsor. Unpublished Program Evaluation Technical Report. 1-66.

Dufour, G. K. (2022, September). Evaluation Report: Greenspace at the Sexual Assault Crisis Centre. Windsor, ON: University of Windsor. Unpublished Program Evaluation Technical Report. 1-36.

Dufour, G. K. (2022, September). The Sexual Assault Crisis Centre of Essex County: Client Demographics Through COVID-19. Windsor, ON: University of Windsor. Unpublished Organizational Demographics Report. 1-23. 

Dufour, G. K. (2022, April). The Sexual Assault Crisis Centre of Essex County (SACC): A Program Evaluation. Windsor, ON: University of Windsor. Unpublished Program Evaluation Technical Report. 1-29.

Dufour, G. K., & Crocker, D. (2020). Domestic Violence Safety Planning, Risk Assessment and Management: Perspectives from Service Providers in Nova Scotia. Domestic Homicide Brief 10. London, ON: Canadian Domestic Homicide Prevention Initiative with Vulnerable Populations. ISBN: 978-988412-41-2.

Dufour, G. K. (2019). Tutoring Program Policies and Procedures Guide and Tutor Manual (Unpublished). University of Winnipeg Psychology Department, Winnipeg, MB, Canada, 25.

Knowledge Translation and Lay-Language Writing

Dufour, G. K, Ternes, M., & Stinson, V. (July 7, 2023). Victim Impact Statements and Sentencing: Victims’ Access to Justice. Law 360 Canada (A division of LexisNexis).

Balint, S., & Dufour, G. K., (2022, May). The Current State of Research and Practice within Sexual Assault and Intimate Partner Violence Sectors. HRC-VAW Conference Brief 1. Windsor, ON: Health Research Centre for the Study of Violence Against Women.

Dufour, G. K. & Balint, S. (2022, May). Benefits and Challenges of Uniting the Sectors for Knowledge Creation and Mobilization. HRC-VAW Conference Brief 2. Windsor, ON: Health Research Centre for the Study of Violence Against Women.

Balint, S., & Dufour, G. K., (2022, May). Understanding Intersectionality from a Polyvictimization Perspective. HRC-VAW Conference Brief 3. Windsor, ON: Health Research Centre for the Study of Violence Against Women.

Dufour, G. K., & Balint, S., (2022, May). Combining Sexual Violence and Intimate Partner Violence Sectors: Targeted Communications for Policy and Practice. HRC-VAW Conference Brief 4. Windsor, ON: Health Research Centre for the Study of Violence Against Women.


*Indicates presenting author

Oral Presentations

Anderson, V., Squires, V, M., Kustra, E., Hendricks, C., Bodner, C., Sysing, M., Dufour, G. K., Strader, A., Kechego, J., Kasperski, J., & Lew, J. (June 19, 2024). Using Relational Systems Thinking to Advance Indigenization of Teaching and Learning at Three Canadian Universities. Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education (CSSHE) as part of the Congress of the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences 2024 (Congress). Université de Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Monaghan, J., Lowe, K., Dufour, G. K, Ternes, M., & Stinson, V. (March 21, 2024). Exploring Knowledge and Perceptions of Clare’s Law, A Domestic Violence Disclosure Framework. [12 minute Talk]. American Psychology-Law Society (AP-LS) conference, Los Angeles, California, USA.

Pitre, M., Hillier, J., Josey, M., Fields, D., Dufour, G. K., Ternes, M., & Stinson, V. (February 9, 2024). Do victim impact statements predict the likelihood of an offender expressing remorse, issuing an apology, or taking responsibility? Virtual Oral Presentation. 4th Annual Canadian Forensic Psychology Virtual Conference. Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Monaghan, J., Lowe, K., Dufour, G. K., Ternes, M., & Stinson, V. (June 24, 2023). Trust in Police, Victim Blame Attitudes, and Lived Experience with Violence as Predictors of Perceptions of Clare's Law in a Canadian Sample [5-Minute Snapshot Presentation]. 84th Canadian Psychological Association Annual National Convention, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

*Dufour, G. K., Lowe, K. Ternes, M., & Stinson, V. (June 18, 2022). What Do I Do with This Information? Canadians’ Opinions on Clare’s Law in Reducing Domestic Violence [5-Minute Snapshot Presentation]. 83rd Canadian Psychological Association Annual National Convention, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

*Dufour, G. K., Jeffrey, N. K., & Senn, C. Y. (June 17, 2022). Women’s self-reports of sexual violence outside of survey time periods: Implications for measurement. [Symposium Presentation]. 83rd Canadian Psychological Association Annual National Convention, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Lowe, K., Dufour, G. K., Ternes, M., & Stinson, V. (February 4, 2022). Does it help or does it hurt? Canadians’ opinions on Clare’s Law as a mechanism for reducing domestic violence. [Virtual Oral Presentation]. Second Annual Canadian Forensic Psychology Virtual Conference. Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.

*Dufour, G. K., Ternes, M., & Stinson, V. (2020, September 25). Victim Impact Statements in Canada: An Archival Analysis of Sentencing Outcomes. [Virtual Oral Presentation]. Canadian Forensic Psychology Virtual Conference. Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. (

*Dufour, G. K., Hopper, N., Lowe, K., Gherman, A., Mason, L., Ternes, M., & Stinson, V. (2020, September 25). The Probability of Offender Remorse Based on the Presence of a Victim Impact Statement [Virtual Oral Presentation]. Canadian Forensic Psychology Virtual Conference. Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. ( 

*Dufour, G. K., Faitakis, M.F., Gaba, P., Tekchandani, M., Shaw, J., Burgess, B., Ternes, M., & Stinson, V. (2020, March 9). Victim Impact Statements in Canada: An Archival Analysis of Sentencing Outcomes. [Symposium Presentation]. American Psychology-Law Society (AP-LS) conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. (

*Dufour, G. K. Faitakis, M.F., Gaba, P., Tekchandani, M., Shaw, J., Burgess, B., Ternes, M., & Stinson, V. (2020, April 3) Victim Impact Statements in Canada: An Archival Analysis of Sentencing Outcomes. [Oral Presentation]. 35th Annual Saint Mary’s University Psychology Students Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. (Conference cancelled due to COVID-19).

*Dufour, G. K. (2019, May 21). Antisocial Cognitions: Using Sensitivity to the Impact of Crime and Psychological Entitlement to Influence Dishonesty. [Oral Presentation]. The 38th Annual Prairie Undergraduate Research Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada


Poster Presentations

Yun, S. H. Dufour, G. K, & Fiorini, L. (June 21, 2024). Using an Online Measurement Data Management Platform to Enhance Organizational Outcomes and User Well-being: A Case Study from a Non-profit Community Sexual Assault Centre. [Poster]. Association for Research on Non-profit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA-Asia) Conference. Seoul, South Korea.

Dufour, G. K. (August 5, 2023). Institutional Response and Betrayal: A Systematic Review of Campus Sexual Violence Literature. [Poster Presentation]. American Psychology Association (APA) Annual National Convention, Washington D.C., USA.

*Dufour, G. K., Ternes, M., & Stinson, V. (2021, March 20). Do Victim Impact Statements Influence Sentencing? Evidence Tells Us It Depends. [Virtual Poster Presentation]. American Psychology-Law Society Student Virtual Poster Conference (

Hopper, N., Dufour, G. K., Lowe, K., Gherman, A., Mason, L., Ternes, M., & Stinson, V. (2021, March 20). You Can’t Always Get What You Want: Victim Impact Statements and Offender Remorse. [Virtual Poster Presentation]. American Psychology-Law Society Student Virtual Poster Conference ( 

*Dufour, G. K., McArthur, J., Staley, M., Ternes, M., & Stinson, V. (2021, March 20). Victims' Gender, Victim Impact Statements, and Sentencing Outcomes.  [Virtual Poster Presentation]. American Psychology-Law Society Student Virtual Poster Conference (

*Faitakis, M.F., Dufour, G. K., & Gilin, D. (2020, July). Does Medium Matter? Public Perceptions of Harassing Behaviours. [Virtual Poster Presentation]. 81st Canadian Psychological Association Annual National Convention, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. (