Gena K. Dufour

B.A. (Hons), M.Sc., Ph.D Candidate

I am a Ph.D. Candidate in Applied Social Psychology at the University of Windsor.

My research explores the way victims of gender-based violence interact with larger systems and institutions on a day-to-day basis, including survivor perceptions of procedural justice and institutional betrayal. I am interested in the complex ways in which policies, processes, and protocols can impact recovery after victimization. I am interested in institutional responses to gender-based violence, including in legal and educational contexts. Currently, my dissertation research is focused on university responses to campus sexual assault.

I am currently working as a Research Coordinator for the Sexual Assault Centre of Essex County on a large-scale project assessing gender-based violence crisis lines in Ontario in collaboration with the Ontario Ministry of Children, Community, and Social Services.

Select funding and Awards include a SSHRC Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship (Doctoral), an Ontario Graduate Scholarship, an Ontario Women’s Health Scholars Award (Doctoral), a Scotia Scholars Master’s Award, and a Nova Scotia Graduate Scholarship.

Photo by Raquel Gaston (2023)

Photo by Kamelle LePage (2020)

Educational Background

Doctor of Philosophy (Current)

University of Windsor, 2021 – 2025

Applied Social Psychology

Dissertation Title: Toward a Comprehensive Understanding of Fear of Institutional Betrayal in a Campus Sexual Violence Context

Master’s of Applied Science

Saint Mary’s University 2019 – 2021

Applied Forensic Psychology

Thesis Title: The Impact of Victim Impact Statements (winner of the Canadian Psychological Association Certificate of Academic Excellence)

Bachelor of Arts (Honours)

The University of Winnipeg, 2014 – 2019

Thesis Title: Antisocial Cognitions: Using Sensitivity to the Impact of Crime and Psychological Entitlement to Influence Dishonesty

Major: Psychology

Minor: Sociology

My research is primarily focused on victims’ experiences with the justice system and other institutions, and survivors’ paths to recovery after traumatization. I also focus mostly on domestic violence, stalking, sexual violence, and other gender-based violence.